姓 名 |
夏涛 |
性 别 |
男 |
籍 贯 |
安徽 |
出生年月 |
1965年2月23日 |
职 称 |
教授 |
政治面貌 |
群众 |
专 业 |
分子生物学、遗传学 |
职 务 |
PrincipleInvestigator |
导师类别 |
博士生导师 |
学历、学位 |
研究生、博士 |
课 题 组 |
植物与微生物生物技术 |
工作信息 |
生物工程学部 |
隶属单位 |
齐鲁工业大学 |
通讯地点 |
山东省济南市长清区大学路3501号食工楼A座509室Email:txia@qlu.edu.cn |
学习、工作简历: 1991年在华中农业大学获植物遗传育种方向博士学位。先后在厦门大学生命科学院(讲师、副教授)、香港科技大学生物化学系(访问学者)、日本三菱公司植物工学研究所(博士后研究员)、日本国家农业研究中心(STAFellowship研究员)、加拿大多伦多大学植物系(博士后研究员)、华中农业大学植物科学技术学院(兼职教授、博士生导师)、华东师范大学生命科学院(教授、博士生导师)及数家生物技术公司从事科研、教学、生物技术产品开发工作。2008年5月起任齐鲁工业大学精英人才特聘教授。 |
主要研究方向: 1,植物基因组学、分子生物学与遗传工程 2,微生物基因组学与遗传工程、土壤微生物与土壤修复、植物-微生物互作 3,植物化合物与人体健康(功能农业) 4,植物生物质转化 |
讲授本科生课程: 遗传学,植物生物技术,科技发展与学科专业概论 讲授研究生课程: 遗传学进展,生物组学 纵向课题: 先后主持、承担国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、山东省自然科学基金、上海市科委重大研发计划等项目。 横向课题: 先后主持企业委托的天然产物与人体健康、功能食品、土壤修复等项目。 主要论文: Can Li, Haizhen Ma, Panpan Li, Shengkui Zhang, Jieting Xu, Ling Wang, Wenlong Sheng, Tianyu Xu, Lu Shen, Wanxia Wang,Tao Xia*,Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) with heterologous poly-γ-glutamic acid has skin moisturizing, whitening and anti-wrinkle effects,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024,262:130026 Ning Xiao, Haizhen Ma, Wanxia Wang, Zengkun Sun, Panpan Li,Tao Xia*, Overexpression of ZmSUS1 increased drought resistance of maize (Zea mays L.) by regulating sucrose metabolism and soluble sugar content,Planta, 2024,259:43 Lu Shen, Can Li, Wanxia Wang, Xiaoru Wang, Dongqi Tang, Fang Xiao,Tao Xia*,Buckwheat extracts rich in flavonoid aglycones and flavonoid glycosides significantly reduced blood glucose in diabetes mice,Journal of Functional Foods,2024,113:106029 Panpan Li,Haizhen Ma, Ning Xiao, Yuqing Zhang, Tianyu Xu,Tao Xia*, Overexpression of the ZmSUS1 gene alters the content and composition of endosperm starch in maize (Zea mays L.),Planta, 2023, 257(5):97 Xianyan Zhao, Panpan Li, Tianyu Xu, Yuqing Zhang, Xingwang Liu,Haifeng Meng,Tao Xia*, High temperature increased lignin contents of poplar (Populus spp ) stem via inducing the synthesis caffeate and coniferaldehyde,Frontiers in Genetics,2022,DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2022.1007513. Xianyan Zhao, Panpan Li, Can Li andTao Xia*, The Key Regulators and Metabolic Intermediates of Lignin Response to Low Temperatures Revealed by Transcript and Targeted Metabolic Profiling Analysis in Poplar,Agronomy, 2022, 12, 2506 LIUXing-wang, XU Tian-yu, WANG Xiao-han, Ma Hai-zheng,XIATao*,The combined application of γ-PGA producing bacteria (Bacillusamyloliquefaciens) and Biochar reduced the content of heavymetals and improved the quality of tomato (Solanum lycopersicumL.), Environmentai Sciencs and Pollution Research, 2022,https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-21842-2 Shengkui Zhang†,Zhiqiang Xia†, Can Li, Xiaohan Wang, Xianqin Lu,Wenqing Zhang, Haizhen Ma, Xincheng Zhou,Weixiong Zhang,Tingting Zhu, Pandao Liu,Guodao Liu, Wenquan Wang*,Tao Xia*,Chromosome-scale genome assembly provides insights intospeciation of allotetraploid and massive biomass accumulation ofelephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.), Mol Ecol Resour.2022, 100:1–16 Haizhen Ma,Panpan Li, Xingwang Liu, Can Li, Shengkui Zhang,Xiaohan Wang andXia Tao*,Poly-γ-glutamic acid enhanced the drought resistanceof maize by improving photosynthesis and affectingthe rhizosphere microbial community, BMC PlantBiology,2022,22:11 LuXianqin, Zhang Yuqing, Chen Jian, Zhang Daolei, Dong Cuihua,Zhiqiang Pang,XiaTao*,Preparation of tailored lignin nanospheres with specific size andtunable structure by self-assembly of lignin from corn straw,Industrial Crops&Products, 2021,172:113993 CanLi, Tianyu Xu, Xingwang Liu, Xiaohan Wang,TaoXia*,The expression of β-glucosidase during natto fermentationincreased the active isoflavone content, Food Bioscience,2021,43:101286 CanLi†, Geyu Dong†, Meng Bian, Xinli Liu, Jing Gong, JingxinHao, WenquanWang, Kaimian Li,Wenjun Ou,TaoXia*,Brewing rich 2-phenyl ethanol beer from cassava and its producingmetabolisms in yeast, J Sci Food Agric, 2021,101(10):4050-4058 WenqingZhang†, Shengkui Zhang†, Xianqin Lu, Can Li, Xingwang Liu,Geyu Dong,TaoXia*,Tissue-specific Transcriptome analysis reveals lignocellulosesynthesis regulation in elephant grass(Pennisetum purpureumSchum), BMC Plant Biology, 2020,20:528 XiaohanWang, Geyu Dong, Xingwang Liu, Shengkui Zhang, Can Li, XianqinLu,Tao Xia*,Poly-γ-glutamic acid-producing bacteria reduced Cd uptake andeffected the rhizosphere microbial communities of lettuce,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 398:123146 XianqinLu, Jian Chen, Junhua Lu, Shouguo Wang,TaoXia*,Monosaccharides and carbon nanosphere obtained by acidicconcentrated LiBr treatment of raw crop residues via optimizingthe synthesis process, Bioresour Technol, 2020,310:123522 XianqinLu, Xingwang Liu, Wenqing Zhang, XiaohanWang, Shouguo Wang,TaoXia*,The residue from the acidic concentrated lithium bromide treatedcrop residue as biochar to remove Cr(VI), Bioresour Technol,2020,296:122348 Xianqin Lu,Can Li, Shengkui Zhang, Xiaohan Wang,Wenqing Zhang, Shouguo Wang,Tao Xia*, Enzymatic sugar production from elephant grass and reedstraw through pretreatments and hydrolysiswith addition of thioredoxin His S,Biotechnol Biofuels, 2019, 12:297 专著: 植物生殖遗传学(现代遗传学丛书),科学出版社,1995年第一版,2010年再版(合著) 发明专利: 以第一发明人获国家发明专利授权21项。近三年主要发明专利: 夏涛;马海珍;李灿,γ-聚谷氨酸在植物中异源合成提高植物抗逆性和产量的方法,CN113512562B 夏涛;王晓菡,具有降低蔬菜重金属含量、提高蔬菜质量的功能菌株W25及应用,CN113337418B 夏涛;卢宪芹;张雨晴;刘玮;王守国,一种利用热等离子体制备生物炭的方法及应用,CN113980696A 夏涛;卢宪芹,一种纳米炭球的制备方法和应用,CN111484000B 夏涛;王晓菡,具有降低蔬菜重金属含量、提高蔬菜质量的功能菌株及应用,CN111718870B 夏涛;王晓菡;李灿;刘兴旺;赵观乐,一种用于发酵豌豆纳豆的枯草芽孢杆菌及其应用,CN111154674A夏涛;董格宇;李灿;张圣奎,一种上面发酵型干木薯啤酒的制备方法,CN110184143A 夏涛;董格宇;李灿;张圣奎,一种鲜木薯啤酒的制备方法,CN110184146A |
科研获奖: 夏涛等,荞麦提取物(富含肌醇、总黄酮),上海市高新技术成果转化项目A级,2009(获奖编号201306258) 夏涛等,利用生物发酵工程制备的纳豆,上海市高新技术成果转化项目B级,2009年(获奖编号200909616) 夏涛等,利用生物发酵工程以鹰嘴豆为原料制备纳豆,上海市高新技术成果转化项目B级,2013年(获奖编号201306332) |
人才称号和荣誉: 福建省首届杰出青年基金(1994)、浦东开发建设杰出人才(2003)、上海市优秀技术带头人(2011)、江苏省高层次创新创业人才(2011)、齐鲁工业大学精英人才特聘教授(2018) |
社会兼职: Tropic Plant 编委 |