
    Teacher Zhang Lili from the Academy of Art won the first prize in the International Vocal Competition



    Teacher Zhang Lili from theAcademy of Art won the first prize in the International Vocal Competition

    发布时间:2018-08-05作者:张丽丽 出处:艺术学院 责任编辑:于晓琴Release time:Aug.5th2018 Author: Zhang Lili Source:Academy ofArts Editor:YuXiaoqin

    近日,“2018意大利I.M.C città di Licata国际声乐比赛”在意大利米兰落下帷幕,艺术学院青年教师张丽丽在该项赛事中荣获一等奖。

    Recently, the 2018 Italian I.M.C città di Licata International Vocal Competition came to an end in Milan, Italy. Zhang Lili, a young teacher ofAcademy ofArts, won the first prize in this competition.

    本次大赛由意大利米兰威尔第音乐学院前声乐系主任VittorioTerranova大师担任评委会主席,VittorioTerranova是享誉国际的声乐大师,在多项国际赛事中担任评委。大赛特邀俄罗斯男高音歌唱家Anatoli Goussev、意大利TORMINA歌剧院指挥Davide Dellisanti及魏凡俭教授、毕骏峰教授、于洋教授等国内专业院校的知名专家教授担任评委。本次比赛中,有来自米兰威尔第音乐学院、天津音乐学院、四川音乐学院、山东师范大学、天津师范大学等多所高校的选手参加。经过紧张而激烈的比赛,我 校艺术学院张丽丽老师脱颖而出,荣获一等奖。

    Vittorio Terranova, the former director of the Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi di MilanoinItaly, was the chairman of the jury.Heis anworldrenowned vocal master and hasbeenserved as a judge in several international competitions. The competitioninvited Anatoli GoussevRussian tenor singer,Anatoli Goussev, TORMINAfromItalian,opera director Davide Dellisanti and Professor Wei Fanzhen, Bi Junfeng, Yu Yang and other well-known experts and professors from domestic professional colleges to serve as judges. In this competition, playerscamefrom Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi di Milano, Tianjin Conservatory of Music, Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Shandong Normal University, Tianjin Normal University and many other universities. After intense competition, Zhang Lili,theteacher of theAcademyof Artsof our school, stood out and wonthe first prize.


    It is reported that since the establishment of themajor ofmusic performance of theAcademyof Art, it has devoted to the construction of teaching staff and professional teaching practice, encouraging teachers and students to participate in professional skills competitions, vigorously promotingthe professional and practical abilitiesof teachers and students, and has won many successes in various music professional competitions.Ithasreceived a good evaluation from people in these industries.
