张芳芳 工学博士、副教授,硕士生导师 山东省自动化学会会员、IEEE会员、中国人工智能学会高级会员,中国自动化学会青年工作委员会委员,《Nonlinear dynamics》等国内外期刊审稿人。作为项目负责人曾承担国家自然基金项目1项,校级课题3项、主持横向课题3项。在国内外期刊发表SCI、EI论文60余篇;授权发明专利5项,其中国际发明专利1项;教材2部,专著1部,软件著作权3项。曾获山东省机械工业科学技术奖一等奖,山东省高等学校科学技术奖二等奖和三等奖;第23届高校机器人与人工智能教育教学成果奖一等奖,中国山东省省级教学成果一等奖,山东省自动化学会教学成果二等奖。。 联系方式:15169163982,zhff4u@qlu.edu.cn |
2015年—今,《Nonlinear dynamics》等国内外期刊审稿人
[1] Fangfang Zhang*, Zhengfeng Li, Kai Sun, Xue Zhang, Peng Ji. A new hyperchaotic complex system with parametric attractors. Fractals, 2021, 29(7):2150230. [SCI收录, 1区IF=5.944]
[2] Fangfang Zhang, Xue Zhang, Maoyong Cao, Fengying Ma, and Zhengfeng Li. Character istic Analysis of 2D Lag-Complex Logistic Map and Its Application in Image Encryption. IEEE MultiMedia ,2021,28(4):96-106.[SCI收录, 2区,IF= 5.633]
[3] Fangfang Zhang, Rui Gao*, Jian Liu. Acoustic wireless communication based on parameter modulation and complex Lorenz chaotic systems with complex parameters and parametric attractors. Chinese Physics B,2021,30(8):080503[SCI收录,3区,IF:1.494]
[4] Zhengfeng Li, Fangfang Zhang*, XueZhang and YangZhao. A new hyperchaotic complex system and its synchronization realization, Physica Scripta, 96(2021)045208(0031-8949)[SCI收录,3区,IF:2.487]
[5] Fangfang Zhang, Sen Leng, Zhengfeng Li, and Cuimei Jiang. Time Delay Complex Chen Chaotic System and Secure Communication Scheme for Wireless Body Area Networks.Entropy, 2020, 22(12), 1420; doi:10.3390[SCI收录,3区,IF:2.524]
[6] Junmei Guo, Chunrui Ma , Zuoxun Wang and Fangfang Zhang.Time-Delay Characteristics of Complex Lü System and Its Application in Speech Communication.Entropy2020, 22(11), 1260; doi:10.3390[SCI收录,3区,IF:2.524]
[7] Jiaxun Liu, Zuoxun Wang,Fangfang Zhang*, Yankai Yin and Fengying Ma. Special Characteristics and Synchronizations of Multi Hybrid-Order Chaotic Systems.Entropy, 2020,22(6), 664,doi.org/10.3390/e22060664[SCI收录,3区,IF:2.524]
[8] Zhang Fangfang, SunKai,Wu Xiulianga. A novel variable selection algorithm for multi-layer perceptron with elastic net. Neurocomputing, 2019, 361(7):110-118 (October 2019) [SCI收录,2区,IF:5.719]
[9] J. Liu, Z. Wang, M. Shu, F. Zhang*, S. Leng, X. Sun, Secure Communication of Fractional Complex Chaotic Systems Based on Fractional Difference Function Synchronization, Complexity, 2019(10): 7242791.(18 August 2019) [高被引论文,SCI收录,2区,IF:2.591]
[10] Zuoxun Wang,Jiaxun Liu, Fangfang Zhang*,Sen Leng.Hidden Chaotic Attractors and Synchronization for a New Fractional-Order Chaotic System, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics ,14(8), 081010-1(August 2019) [SCI收录,3区,IF:2.135]
[11] Fangfang Zhang*, Kai Sun, Yawen Chen, Haibo Zhang, Cuimei Jiang. Parameters identification and adaptive tracking control of uncertain complex-variable chaotic systems with complex parameters. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2019,95(4):3161–3176 [SCI收录,1区,IF:4.6]
[12] Baojiang Sun, Min Li, Fangfang Zhang*, Hui Wang, Jian Liu The characteristics and self-time-delay synchronization of two-time-delay complex Lorenz system, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2019,356(1): 334~351.[SCI收录,1区,IF:3.56]
[13] Cuimei Jiang, Fangfang Zhang, Tongxing Li. Synchronization and antisynchronization of N-coupled fractional-order complex chaotic systems with ring connection. Math Meth Appl Sci., 2018,41(7): 2625-2638[SCI收录,3区,IF:1.533]
[14] Fangfang Zhang, Shutang Liu. Adaptive complex function projective synchronization of uncertain complex chaotic systems. Journal of Computational & Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 11(1): 011013 DOI: 10.1115/1.4030893. [SCI收录,3区,IF: 1.111]
[15] Fangfang Zhang. Lag synchronization of complex Lorenz system with applications to communication. Entropy, 2015, 17(7): 4974-4985 [SCI收录,3区,IF: 1.502]
[16] Fangfang Zhang. Complete synchronization of coupled multiple-time-delay complex chaotic system with applications to secure communication. Acta Physica Polonica B, 2015, 46(8):1473-1486. [SCI收录,4区,IF: 0.85]
[17] Fangfang Zhang, Shutang Liu.The dynamic feedback matrix control for multidimensional chaotic systems. Asian Journal of control, 2015, 17(1):297-303 [SCI收录,4区,IF: 1.556]
[18] Weiyong Yu, Shutang Liu, and Fangfang Zhang. Adaptive output feedback regulation for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2015, 25(14), 2241-2253. [SCI收录,1区,IF:3.856]
[19] Weiyong Yu, Shutang Liu, and Fangfang Zhang. Global output feedback regulation of uncertain nonlinear systems with unknown time delay. International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 2015, 13(2), 327-335.[SCI收录,3区,IF:1.219]
[20] Shutang Liu, Weiyong Yu, and Fangfang Zhang. Output feedback regulation for large-scale uncertain nonlinear systems with time delays. Kybernetika, 2015, 51(5), 874-889. (SCI IF=0.628; EI) [SCI收录,4区,IF: 0.628]
[21] Weiyong Yu, Fangfang Zhang*. Disturbance Attenuation via Output Feedback for Uncertain NonlinearSystems with Output and Input Depending Growth Rate. Mathematical Problems in Engineering,Volume 2014, ID 621783. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/621783 [SCI收录,3区,IF: 0.762]
[22] Fangfang Zhang, Shutang Liu, Kexin Liu. Adaptive Control of Accumulative Error for Nonlinear Chaotic Systems. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 2014,11(5):527-535 (EI检索)
[23] Shutang Liu, Fangfang Zhang*. Complex function projective synchronization of complex chaotic system and its applications in secure communication. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014,76(2): 1087-1097[SCI收录,1区,IF: 3.009]
[24] Fangfang Zhang, Shutang Liu. Full state hybrid projective synchronization andparameters identification for uncertain chaotic (hyperchaotic) complex systems.Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, 9(2):021009[SCI收录,3区,IF: 1.155]
[25] Fangfang Zhang,Shutang Liu. Self time-delay synchronizationof time-delay coupled complex chaotic system and its applications to communication. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2014,25(3): 1350102 (SCI IF=0.615; JCR四区) [SCI收录,4区,IF: 0.615]
[26] Fangfang Zhang, Shutang Liu, Weiyong Yu. Modified projective synchronization with complex scaling factors of uncertain real chaos and complex chaos. Chinese Physics B, 2013, 22(12):120505 [SCI收录,4区,IF: 1.016]
[27]张芳芳,刘树堂,余卫勇.时滞复Lorenz混沌系统特性及其自时滞同步,物理学报, 2013,62(22):220505 [SCI收录,3区,IF: 0.677]
[1]Fangfang Zhang. The Simulation Software of Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Based on Cellular Automat Model. Registration number: 2009R11L080685.
[1]韩学政,张芳芳,汤银忠,张存礼.电工电子技术基础(第一版).北京:清华大学出版社, 2009.9
[2]韩学政,汤银忠,张芳芳,马起朋.电工电子技术基础(第二版).北京:清华大学出版社, 2018.05
[1] 2013.4—2016.05山东省安全生产科技发展计划项目和国家安全监管总局安全生产重大事故防治关键技术科技项目《集预测、控制及执行的一体化防井喷控制系统研究》(LAJK2013-15)第二负责人,结题。
[2] 2015.01—2017.12山东省自然科学基金《复参复混沌系统分析、控制及其在保密通信中的应用》(ZR2014FL015),第二位参与人,结题。
[3] 2017.01—2019.12国家自然科学基金项目《基于多时滞复动力系统的失谐激光的特性分析与差函数控制》(61603203),主持人,结题,20万元。
[4] 2019.01—今 齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)国际合作项目《基于复混沌同步的无线传感网络安全通信研究》(QLUTGJHZ2018020),主持人,在研,38万元。
[5] 2019.01—2020.12齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)院校合作青年博士基金项目《基于复混沌同步的无线体域网安全通信研究》(2018BSHZ001),主持人,结题,10万元。
[6] 2019.10—今 山东省重大科技创新项目《农用大功率混合动力飞行机器人研究》科研项目(2019JZZY010731),参与,在研,500万元
[7] 2019.12—2021.12济南市科研带头人工作室《具有机器视觉功能的混合动力植保无人机研制》科研项目,参与,结题,40万元
[8] 2020.01—2021.12高端外国专家项目:混合动力飞行机器人关键技术研究(G20200223025),参与,结题
[9] 2021.01—今 山东省重点研发计划(重大科技创新工程)项目:基于风险智能感知的社区综合金融云建设及示范应用(2020CXGC010901),1070万元,参与,在研
[10] 2021.05-今 横向课题:CRD2000SF6气体在线检测系统的研究(20210691),50万元,主持人,在研
[11] 2021.04-今 横向课题:基于FPGA的混沌密码系统设计(20210662),5万元,主持人,在研
[2] 2021年,指导学生获得第四届华教杯全国大学生数学竞赛国家二等奖;
[3] 2021年,荣获山东省机械工业科学技术奖一等奖(题目:不确定复参数复混沌系统的参数辨识和自适应跟踪控制),山东省机械工业科学技术协会,1/5
[4] 2020年,荣获山东省高等学校科学技术奖二等奖(题目:非线性微分方程的混沌特性及其同步研究),山东省教育厅,2020.12,4/4
[5] 2020年,荣获山东省自动化学会教学成果奖二等奖(题目:“思政教育”和“双创教育”相融合的电类人才培养模式改革与实践),山东省自动化学会,2020.12,2/6
[6] 2018年,获得山东省省级教学成果奖一等奖(题目:基于半张量积理论的自动化专业课程群重构与创新),山东省省级教学成果奖评审委员会,2018.01,4/7;
[7] 2017年,指导学生参加山东大学生电子设计大赛荣获一等奖三项;
[8] 2017年,荣获齐鲁工业大学校(院)“先进个人”称号。
[9] 2016年,荣获山东省高等学校科学技术奖三等奖(题目:几类复杂系统的检测和控制方法研究及应用),山东省教育厅,1/5;